Mauricio Kagel Composition Competition in Vienna
My piece “How to Draw a Helicon” was in the final of the 2022 Mauricio Kagel Composition Competition in Vienna in February! It was an incredible honor to hear it performed and discussed: first performed by students from the mdw- University of Music and Performing Arts; then discussed by the most qualified and honest jury – indeed I did not win, but what a journey for this piece “for three young pianists and a grand piano” involving talking, falling, screaming, rolling under the piano, etc. Looking forward to new performances—

Programme notes :
This is the story of a question asked in a world where it doesn’t have an answer.
Still of course, many will try to make sense and find something to say.
While untangling all these voices, the three players progressively find themselves
caught up in a whirl, like falling endlessly along the shape of a helix.
Eilíft sólskin phase 3!
Phase 3 of our project Eilíft sólskin was a creative residency in the south of France in the very last days of 2021. I was invited with duet Lila Bazooka – sound guru Céline Grangey and experimental bassoon priestess Sophie Bernado – for a week of composition on stage at the Astrada in Marciac.
Remember phase 1 of Eilíft sólskin was an explorative and collaborative residency in Iceland in July 2021, including scientists, Icelandic musicians (including Berglind María Tómasdóttir featured below), folk music archives, a remote farm festival and some humpback whales.
Phase 2 was a creative week at Elektronmusikstudion (EMS) in Stockholm in October 2021 where we processed large amounts of the raw matter into diverse modules.
Look for the final phase of this project in the second half of 2023! – then all different parts will finally be put together: Eilíft sólskin as Lila Bazooka and me, guested by our Icelandic colleagues, playing on stage the special piece that’s the result of this all. Stay tuned!!
Summer News in brief
Eilíft sólskin – New composition project!
I was invited by Lila Bazooka (Sophie Bernado & Céline Grangey) to join “Eilíft sólskin” – a new chapter in their adventures: an itinerant composition residency combining meeting/playing with Icelandic musicians (Eyjólfur Eyjólfsson, Berglind María Tómasdóttir…) and recording the forces of nature, geysers, sources, humpback whales etc in different parts of the country… after some improvised gigs, in a possessed church or in a dark farm (violin/song/ribbon-theremin for me), crazy encounters, boat trips and hydrophone mysteries, we are declared ready for the next phase of the project, a creation residency in December in Marciac in the south of France, gig included (stay tuned!)
Pictured below in Husavik, a humpback whale study station on the Northern coast of Iceland.

Also, Elektronmusikstudion just re-opened after a long lockdown and no access to modular legends there. Joy! I returned yesterday to prepare a week of residency with Eilíft sólskin in October.
I am – actually – currently working myself on purely acoustic pieces – one for six hands, another one is a septet, another one with voices, and all include staging! – soon booking workshops with musicians, more info about these pieces during this fall.
Spring news in brief
I am now a member of “Unga tankar om musik”, a think tank and reference group connecting 40 actors of the music industry under 40 years-old, in Sweden – as of now under the Royal Academy of Music. More info about our activities here.
Covid made me do a lot of filming…
I’ve been script creator and score supervisor in a series of orchestra concerts in Berwaldhallen – these productions are available online with the selection changing regularly so check again later if you don’t find what you wanted!
I’ve been music producer and assistant director for another movie made inside and around the hall – this time we’ve worked around Wagner’s Siegfried Idyll: watch it here.
….And, yet another movie with this creative team – Andrew Staples is directing, I’m music producer and assistant director, filming ensured by Berwaldhallen coworkers. This one is based on the creation of a new piece by Britta Byström for Malin Broman, who’s once again performing all 8 parts – do you remember the Mendelssohn octet viral video?
This new Octet film goes in a completely different direction – here’s a hint in the picture below! It will be premiered online and in concert at the Baltic Sea Festival on September 10, 2021.

OPUS magazine is Sweden’s main publication for classical music and opera. Their nr. 101 features an interview / portrait of me and my work along with pictures taken by Mats Bäcker during a photo shoot at the former nuclear reactor underneath Stockholm Reaktorhallen – where MUSICOMEXP premiered.
An opportunity to be back on site and look back at this extensive project in the interview, along with telling more about the new paths I am taking, both within composition and staging!
Learn more here. To order a copy, visit the shop or contact info (at)
Back home after Lettland, France, Visby and Härnösand. And… hey I think I’m starting to like this septet.

Book now!
MUSICOMEXP performance will take place in Härnösand, Sweden on Nov 7 at Norrdans Fyren curated by the organisation Nymus.
The concert is scheduled twice for advanced distanciation, but needless to say very limited seats. Advanced booking strongly recommended – more info HERE!

Just back from VICC
I’m just back from Visby International Centre for Composers in Gotland, Sweden. It’s been a few weeks of intensive work on a new project – more info very soon!

MUSICOMEXP performances -Autumn 2020
On September 25 I performed MUSICOMEXP at the Great Amber Hall in Liepāja, Latvia. More logistics than usual in these strange times, but what a city and what an amazing hall to perform in! Check out the pictures below.
Just back from my residency at VICC in Visby, where I worked on another project – more info coming soon.
Next MUSICOMEXP performance is scheduled on November 7 in Härnösand, Sweden. Book in advance! Extremely limited sitting with distanciation, the concert is planned twice.
More info and booking links HERE!

Love from Liepāja
Pictures from MUSICOMEXP performance at Great Amber Hall, Liepāja, Latvia.

Above and below: photos by Valters Pelns

MUSICOMEXP by Aurélie Ferrière LIVE on September 25 at Great Amber Hall in Liepāja, Latvia. First post lockdown gig!