Upcoming premieres! // Calendrier des créations de mes nouvelles pièces… // Snart uruppföranden:
6 May, Kungasalen, Stockholm
Duell för horn och inspelad sång
– a piece for horn and electronics, written as a duel between a live horn and a recorded soprano voice singing a few words by Kierkegaard (two Sørens are involved… as the piece is dedicated to, and premiered by hornist Sören Hermansson)
17 May, Futur Scènes for string orchestra, written for Musica Vitae, Nygatan6, Växjö, Sweden. This piece was inspired by periodic acoustic patterns I heard in the Pacific during my Musicomexp journey, telling of scenes from an upcoming music theatre piece (the title is made of two French nouns in a foreign grammar!)
…a bit later but very much looked forward to:
7 December, Budapest Music Center, Hungary
Act II of Clavigo, a chamber opera creation made possible by the Peter Eötvös Contemporary Music Foundation in Budapest.
More info very soon…

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