Next project: Composition residency on board a sailing expedition in the Pacific
Next project starts in September: composing music on a sailing boat that records sound under the sea in Oceania, The Ocean Mapping Expedition, then presenting that music in a 3D sound installation.
I’m several months into planning and still looking for extra support and collaboration, financial & logistic, if you have any suggestions of organisations working with art and environment / funding / places for the installation, please let me know or feel free to pass it on!
Report from OBRAS residency 2017
- inside the miradouro house
- the dead-sound valley
- the square patio with its four trees at Obras where I had my talk with drawings hung on the walls
- quarry taken over
After a month at Obras Foundation I’ve gathered some thoughts, creations and discoveries I’ve come by along my residency.
My plan was to write and record new music for an upcoming record, and while doing that experimenting around my way of composing to change it. I’ve recorded some material, written more, but also played and performed in different situations, building a soundscape in and around a natural environment, improvising sound illustration to another artist’s poems with different arrangements, as well as painted and played chamber music.
Two thirds through my residency I had an artist talk where I described the composing ideas I was dealing with and trying to develop then.
I started with drawings and paintings I do in between recording takes, mentioning my interest for the organic process of growing, corked trunks being a motive I’ve used for many years and overly present here with Alentejos cork oaks, and linking it to my fascination for some examples of painting on wood existing in Lisbon being one of my anchor points to the city.

(old corked trunk, black ink on paper and marble)

(structure of plants (upper left corner) applied with marble stamp (bottom))

(different distance gives different perspective, ink on paper)
I then described the idea and the process behind my latest release in 2016 which shows different facets. I first went through the background and concept for the project “Cikatri$”, the latest release being a record with a cyclic artwork in several parts to solve in a dynamic puzzle, the music pressed on blended-colored vinyl. The musical content is on the A-side a recall of a band a few weeks into a tour in Southwest USA, and on the B-side an electronic version of it showing a direction I am taking. When the record was released it was first presented as a 3D-audio mix in a special listening session in Stockholm, then in a live performance later on the same day. More information about the project here.
I then talked about my background as a classically trained musician and Tonmeister, and how I deal with my hearing and sensibility in my creation. I’ve been looking at ways to deal with tones more freely despite my hearing since I have perfect pitch, still without handling music styles seriously since I have little interest in them. I described examples of sound recollections I’ve made in that purpose, then the discussion moved on to the well-known associations process in synesthesy.
I talked about musical collaborations I’ve had in Stockholm and suggested collaborations with performances or work in progress to other artists present at Obras at that time, which resulted in the sound illustration of a poem by Norwegian artist Matias Ringheim in two versions (electronic with analog synths, and acoustic with a piano), and a chamber music try with Beate Schnaithmann, a cellist from Switzerland.
The other great subject of this residency for me has been to explore my time, as to consider a routine both in composing as in organizing musical training and for example going through written material.
This is a relevant question in my case in regard to my next project from September, where I will be on board a sailing boat for several weeks to compose music using the sound recorded by the scientific team on board for environmental research, modular synths and tools, and various field recording material (more info about this project here)
A less technical, more conceptual reflexion also started then for me from my time at Obras in regard to this upcoming expedition, considering both art and nature in my creation: building a sound scape in a very green and very noisy place known in the region as the “hidden paradise”. For now just a few pictures below about this performance, which might develop into a video- and sound- work that might be presented in Stockholm soon. Stay tuned!

//Artwork pics by Ludger van der Eerden, performance pics by Ludger and Carlos//
Thank you Carolien van der Laan and Ludger van der Eerden at Obras and everyone I’ve met, artists and friends under my residency, read Obras’ May newsletter here
Composition residency at OBRAS in April
I’m doing a month-long composition residency at OBRAS Foundation in Alentejo, Portugal. I’ve built a studio in the Mirador on the hill and I’m soon starting to record all kinds of sounds and songs and tones. Stay tuned, talk soon! /Aurélie

En musikmix – från retro-midi till improvisation – Kalejdoskop
En musikmix – från retro-midi till improvisation – Kalejdoskop
Aurélie’s new year mix live tonight on P2 from 10pm!
(or stream for 30 days here)
CIKATRI$ new record day 1.
3 large-diaphragm mic systems vs 1 tiny-diaphragm drummer system, le voleur de châleur himself.
CD-revyn i P2
How do we create with tones? How does a human brain link thoughts to certain harmonies, why are certain modes universally linked to specific feelings? Is there some kind of thought-bank that notes refer to, or are these individual memories? — some of the questions raised by Rautavaara’s fascinating creations.
In this discussion (in Swedish) we also talk Gershwin, Telemann and Shostakovich. Live broadcast on October 2nd at 12:03pm on P2
New video and interview on HYMN now in English!
See the video of the live performance for “La Lumière” release party and read below an unedited English version of Aurélie Ferrière’s interview originally published in HYMN when the video premiered. More info on the release party programme in our previous post.
How did CIKATRI$ start? What does the name CIKATRI$ mean?
“Cicatrice” means scar in French, then CIKATRI$ is spelled different because the band started as an accident. When I moved to Sweden I had that band where I was singing (in English), writing more produced songs and playing a cool Korg organ from the 70s. I really liked these songs but nothing was happening to them really. Then I had this accident and decided that I really couldn’t care about anything, so I wrote this bunch of very simple, short and fast songs (CIKATRI$’s first EP), in French because it was urgent to let out and it was just personal stuff so I didn’t need anyone here in Sweden to figure out the lyrics (though people google-translate apparently!), I guess it was the exact opposite of the band I had at that time.
Then I tried to figure out which instrument would be appropriate. I saw that plastic red thing on ebay and bought it from some guy in Germany (it’s getting expensive actually, honestly it’s not worth much for its electronics). When it came in the mail it only had a black plastic bag taped around it and I didn’t believe it would work. But it did, so I bought some batteries and later we pressed the first EP. We played the first couple of gigs together with my old band, so people would mix up the two (though they were like opposites, but whatever) so I thought I’d wear a wig with the new one so people wouldn’t recognize me. It was no kind of statement even though people sometimes seem to think I believe it sounds good and looks cool. Actually it was alright with me to wear a wig when playing keytar in public. That’s how French, wig and keytar got together.
When I still lived in France it would have been too embarrassing to sing in French, but just at that point I really didn’t care at all. Now it’s been a few records in French, as it’s my mother tongue it’s great in many ways, the lyrics get more precise and I can vary registers, play with quotes… Then it was really cool and unexpected when on tour by the Mexican border when people related to it via Spanish! But then I don’t feel bound to continue in French. I use voice as an instrument, not to send some kind of message. Music only, especially notes, matter to me.
How has CIKATRI$’ music evolved since the band started?
How would you say it’s changed? I think I wrote all these songs the same way. I’m interested in the notes, how they interact with each other during a period of time. I first write on paper, then it becomes a certain arrangement when I try to play it for the first time, depending on what I was thinking, how fast or slow the melodies works, etc. It was completely low-fi on the first record, but I needed more, so I went on to working very detailed on the songs like miniatures, which then got longer and deeper/larger.
How fast the song goes doesn’t matter much to me. But I’ve noticed people always hear a style first, a genre, that’s what they seem to be interested in… not as much in the notes unfortunately. I don’t feel I should write in a certain style, there’s tons of that already. I’d rather just create freely with tones and see where they take me.
Which is the best show you’ve played?
…definitely a gig from our US tour, that we planned around our SXSW booking last year. I don’t like traditional festivals with closed area, big stages, etc, too much shit when I grew up. At “branch” festivals there’s so much more to do and you’re bound to catch tons of artists you wanted to see in much better settings. Then playing at SXSW is another thing, it’s crazy logistics but I
really thought it was worth it with the opportunities that open up when you’re in the official programmation. It’s great to travel there and back also, many other bands take the same trip so that’s gigs to share on the way and people have way more time to listen to you then. It’s difficult to pick just one night from that US tour, it was two weeks of really varied gigs at clubs in bars, showcases, radio on-air, art galleries, record stores, hippie camp…always new
atmospheres, weird encounters and much inspiration for the next songs (our desert video premiered on Noisey here)
You’ve just released a 10″-single called “La Lumière”, and a video from the release party…
I felt I needed to put out that 10″ to present and let grow different sides of what I do. The song talks about when light beams bend, for example in mirages, when you see things that don’t actually exist exactly where you see them, or in that special light between sunset and dark night when everything looks so unsure, or when a memory starts to fade out and then disappears.
The artwork of the single is in several pieces to solve in a cinematic puzzle (in the limited edition – I won’t give the answer here). The B-side is an electronic remix (of the A-side) which I then mixed again in 3D-audio (audio in three dimensions, using all the space around the listener). On June 16th in the afternoon people could listen to the 3D version of the remix in a special
studio, and then in the evening at the release party a live performance of the song in a longer, more experimental form. Then I made a video where I freely mixed the live performance with parts of the artwork, the image being an illustration to the sound (not the other way around…). Check out this video here!
Any new music to be released this year? How ready is the new material?
I’m writing a lot right now! The next record was to come a while ago on a label in El Paso TX, but the 10″ release took me a lot of time (since I’m taking care of all music, recording and mixing, all graphic and video, and the releases). But a lot is written already and should be finished during residencies I’m planning to do this spring.
— Originally published by HYMN —
New video for “La Lumière (live)”!
New video!
Live video of the gig at “La Lumière” 10″-release party in June, released by HYMN along with an interview (in Swedish, soon available in English!)
New single “La Lumière” available now!
New single “La Lumière” available now!
– Black & Cream blended vinyl, 6 different artworks
For the complete set of artworks to solve in a cinematic puzzle, get the limited edition via bandcamp, or write to cikatris666 (at ) gmail(dot)com for a discount.