by Aurélie Ferrière

An experiment about writing a music piece without notes,
from frequences not organized by a human brain.

Aurélie Ferrière was on board the Ocean Mapping Expedition in 2017 in the South Pacific, to collect sounds both from the underwater recordings by the research team on board and around, and create a music piece as an abstract journey about adventure and environment.

After its première in a former nuclear reactor underground in 2018, MUSICOMEXP was performed at various special locations in Europe and USA and released as a special CD box set with the day log and artworks of the artist’s time on board.

The Ocean Mapping Expedition 2015-2019: a 4-year sailing journey inspired by Magellan’s travels 500 years ago to map the state of the oceans and question mankind from an ecologic, scientific and philosophical point of view.

aurélie hermit forts
Aurelie på EMS
Aurelie Gomai inspelning



Do you want to experience MUSICOMEXP live?

For any booking inquiries, to bring MUSICOMEXP to your concert space, institution or city


“MUSICOMEXP” Deluxe CD Box set

Musicomexp Pack Deluxe 01

Underwater portraits by Jesper Anhede